קורס שיעור מספר 22. משא ומתן

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מבחן על הדקדוק – שיעור מספר 4

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הפקדה בבנק שיחות

שוחחת עם חברה? עדכני את השיחה במערכת.
הפרטים מתעדכנים פעם בשבוע


A GERUND is a noun formed from a verb ROOT VERB + ING

Gerunds are a flexible useful type of word because they enable us to speak and write about actions in a more abstract way, positioning those actions as reasons for specific outcomes, hobbies, and receiver of subjects’ actions.

We use gerunds:

  1. As the subject of a sentence. – כנושא המשפט

Ex: Smoking is dangerous.

  1. After a preposition –    אחרי מילת יחס

About, after, before, by, for, from, in, on, at, of, while, with, without                  

Ex: she is afraid of hurting her hand.

  1. After these verbs and expressions – אחרי המילים והביטויים הבאים

Avoid, be used to, consider, deny, regret, dislike, enjoy, get used to, finish, it’s no use, it’s worthwhile, keep on, look forward to, mind, miss, spend time, stop, suggest, waste time.

Ex: Stop disturbing.

I finished reading this book.

Examples of gerunds in a sentence.

  1. Swimming in the ocean has been Sharon’s passion since she was five years old.
  2. The ballerina taught us
  3. Apologizing to me isn’t enough this time.
  4. They are capable of doing hard work.